Head & Heart Memphis and our community partners are proud to announce the first annual Dorcas Awards, honoring women of Service, Surrender, and Survival. The Dorcas Awards are inspired by a phenomenal woman in the bible named Dorcas (also known as Tabitha)(Acts 9:36-42). Dorcas was a dedicated server of her community, "always doing good and helping the poor" (Acts 9:36). Dorcas became sick and died, causing the community to mourn deeply. But by prayer and petition, Dorcas was brought back to life to continue the call God placed on her life.

The Dorcas Awards honors women who have consistently served their community and ministry, and though may not have had a physical death, experienced a deeply painful emotional, financial, or relational death that nearly killed their service or call. After prayer, fasting, and support from family, friends, and loved ones, these incredible women were able to "come back to life" to finish their good work to serve those in need, and because of their survival, "many believed in the Lord" (Acts 9:42).

  • Active member at place of worship

  • Active in service to local community

  • Active believer and her faith is strong

  • Uses gifts/talents to build the Kingdom

  • Has overcome difficult obstacles in life

  • Health, Finance, Relationship, Mental

Nominate a "Dorcas"

Do you know a woman that has faithfully served her ministry, community, or family for years, but experienced a deeply painful situation that nearly brought death to her service? Has her life and ministry been a positive example for many others? Does she continue the call on her life in powerful ways that bring many to Christ?

We invite you to nominate a "Dorcas" in your life to be honored for her testimony at Head & Heart Memphis' first annual Dorcas Awards Conference. All finalists will receive two complimentary tickets to the conference where the winners will be announced.

What is Awarded?

One woman will be awarded:

  • $500 Prize

  • A plaque and certificate of recognition

  • Special seating and honoring during awards banquet

  • A celebration package that includes dinner for two

  • A photoshoot with a local photographer*

Two runner-ups will be awarded:

  • $250 Prize

  • A certificate of recognition

  • Special seating and recognition during awards banquet

  • A gift set

  • Group photoshoot with a local photographer*

Dorcas Awards Conference

The Dorcas Awards Conference will feature:

  • Powerful Keynote Speaker & Session Speakers

  • Connect & Network Events for Spiritual and Business Support

  • Banquet Featuring Food from Local Chefs

  • Vendors, Local Shops and Book Signings